Thursday 27 December 2012

Year 3 Collages

The dog and the use of an orange for the sun is a cute touch!
This student originally planned out a soccer net but changed it to a drive-in movie theatre.  
The hoop is 3D!
"Chocolate mountain"

I have always wanted to do magazine collages with my students. I am extremely happy that I attempted collaging with my year 3s. They did extremely well and took care and effort into tearing and cutting the pieces of magazines (our rule of thumb was no larger than a 50 cent coin). This art lesson was a great opportunity for students to problem solve as some students had to change their original plan as their plan and some students had trouble deciding what parts of their picture they had to fill first (to make collaging different areas the easiest).

This was a 3-4 week project. (although a handful of kids took 5 weeks!). I gave students a planning sheet before they started on their good piece. We also talked about having a balance of different textures from different magazines. I wish I took more pictures!

Proud Art Teacher!

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